Lawyer Poovong Mobile: 081 803 4097

Lawyer Poovong Mobile: 081 803 4097

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What is the lawyers network?

Barrister Poovong Posai

Barrister Poovong Posai

About the lawyer network

               Hello, I am Lawyer Poovong Posai, president of the Lawyers Network. Managing Director of Siam International Law Office Co., Ltd. and Lawyers Network Co., Ltd. after I returned from the United States. To return to work as a lawyer I started out serving foreigners who came to do business in the Sukhumvit area.

             In the year 2005, I registered a company named Siam International Law Office, providing complete services, One Stop Services, such as company registration. Import-export registration Tax registration Register for social security Request a work permit Request permission to temporarily stay in the Kingdom of Thailand Do accounting and audit accounts as well.

            In 2013, I registered a company named Lawyer Network Co., Ltd. with the idea of helping friends in the profession. By gathering friends of lawyers who live in every province. Let's work together It is a characteristic of the network. It means helping each other, sharing work, sharing experiences. Share knowledge and experiences in various cases Currently, our network has more than 200 lawyer members spread across every province. The general public can choose to use the services of lawyers in our network. Our network has a goal In order for people to save money, convenience, speed and safety in hiring a lawyer.

Under the conditions of working together: economical, convenient, fast and safe. The public and fellow lawyers will benefit:

Save money because of lawyer members in our network Distributed in every province All areas in jurisdiction throughout the country Lawyers don't have to travel far. to work for you Save on travel and accommodation costs.

Convenient because lawyer members in the network can travel to meet you at your home or office within 30 minutes in Bangkok or 1 hour in other provinces.

Fast because we choose members near you. and near the court Our lawyers can travel to court to submit pleadings within no more than 1 hour both in Bangkok and other provinces.

Secure our network Select and collect information about lawyers, such as copies of their licenses to be lawyers. Copy of house registration lawyer office photo Photograph of the lawyer's home or residence Before we accept membership And we will follow up on the lawyer's work in every case. When it comes to clients entrusting our network to work for you. And the important point is Members must be honest both with clients and fellow professionals.

We have the following types of network members:

A. Lawyers Network Alliance is the type of member who invests in our network which we will make a website for our members So that the public can access information about lawyers in each area and each person.

B. Lawyers near you We have lawyers who have been licensed as lawyers for more than 3 years in each province to serve you. to save your money You do not have to pay travel or lodging expenses for our lawyers.

C. Lawyers near the court: This lawyer member will live near the court and have been licensed as a lawyer for no more than 3 years in order to save maximum lawyer fees. You can choose to pay on a per-time basis for our lawyers to work for you.

D. Your case lawyer. Be an experienced lawyer Agree on wages according to the satisfaction of both parties.

What problem do you have? Do you have a court case that a lawyer in our network can take care of? and can act on your behalf

Make an appointment to meet with our lawyer. Call to schedule an appointment with us at our call center at 02 114 7522.

We have lawyers in Bangkok and lawyers throughout 76 provinces.

and your trial lawyer This group of lawyers are senior lawyers with many experiences in the legal profession.

Rest assured that we are lawyers who are licensed as lawyers by the Lawyers Council of Thailand.

Check how to become a lawyer in our network at 081 803 4097

You can search for the websites of our network of lawyers and network partners in Google or Search Engine at the websites below.

Lawyer network website






My colleague all over country of Thailand
